Directions to URCC


 PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to Google Maps, we are NOT located on Old Highway 60.  Our physical address is 2395 N Old NC Highway 16, Millers Creek, NC 28651.  Using this address, your GPS will NOT take you exactly to URCC, but it will get you somewhat close. 

 Please enter this address in Google Maps or your GPS.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you completely spell out every word in the address using no abbreviations. -

2395 Old North Carolina Highway 16

Millers Creek, NC 28651

 We suggest you supplement your GPS with the directions listed below.  For assistance with directions as you drive, please call our Office at 336.667.7177.


From I-77 or from Wilkesboro, NC:

Head north on I-77 toward Exit 73B.  Take exit 73B to merge onto US-421 N toward Wilkesboro.  Stay on US-421 N for approximately 25 miles.  Soon after passing Wal-Mart, Lowe's Foods, Tractor Supply, Staples, and numerous restaurants, turn right onto NC 16 N (you'll see a sign for Rendezvous Mountain).  Stay on NC 16 N for approximately 6.5 miles.  Turn right on Old NC Hwy 16 N.  Uplands Reach will be approximately 2.2 miles on the left.  Follow the gravel road up the hill and stay left at the fork to proceed to the Gym.


From Boone, NC:

Head south on US-421 toward Wilkesboro.  Turn left onto NC 16 N (you'll see a sign for Rendezvous Mountain).  Stay on NC 16 N for approximately 6.5 miles.  Turn right on Old NC Hwy 16 N.  Uplands Reach will be approximately 2.2 miles on the left.  Follow the gravel road up the hill and stay left at the fork to proceed to the Gym.


From Jefferson, NC:

Take NC Highway 163 toward Wilkesboro.  After approximately 9.1 miles, turn right onto NC 16 (to your left will be Mt. Aire Seafood and a Marathon gas station).  After approximately 6.5 miles, turn left onto Colvard Road.  (If you pass the Wilbar Fire Department on your right, you've gone too far.)  After approximately 1.5 miles, turn right on Old NC Hwy 16.  Uplands Reach will be approximately 1 mile on your right.  Follow the gravel road up the hill and stay left at the fork to proceed to the Gym.  Note: On a rainy day, due to the low-water bridge on Colvard Road, instead continue on 16 until you reach Old Highway 16 on your left.  After you turn left on Old  Highway 16, Uplands Reach will be approximately 2.2 miles on the left.  Follow the gravel road up the hill and stay left at the fork to proceed to the Gym.